Effective Love Handles and Muffin Top Workout for Women at Home

Tighten your abs and sculpt your body with this effective muffin top workout! Say goodbye to love handles  top with 12 core-targeting exercises.

You’re sure to burn a lot of calories while toning your abs, lower back, and butt with compound moves, high-intensity interval training, and core exercises.

This effective muffin top workout focus on your core, strengthening your abs and targeting your love handles from all angles. A strong core can also help reduce back fat. Get started today!

Love Handles and Muffin Top Workout for Women at Home

1. Jumping Jacks

Love Handles Exercises and Muffin Top Workout for Women

Stand upright with feet together and hands at sides. Quickly raise arms above head while jumping feet out to sides. Immediately reverse motion to jump back to standing position.

2. Bicycle Crunches

Love Handles Exercises and Muffin Top Workout for Women

This workout is the easiest and most effective way to work all the major muscle groups (shoulders, abs, glutes, hips, quadriceps) and your cardiovascular system.

Begin by lying on the floor with your lower back flat against the floor (engage your core by pulling in your navel). Place your hands behind your head, then bring your knees toward your chest and lift your shoulder blades off the floor, taking care not to strain your neck.

3. Toe Touches

Love Handles Exercises and Muffin Top Workout for Women

This workout engages the entire abdominal wall to help tone your abs, slim your waist and improve core strength.

Begin by lying on your back with legs straight, knees together, toes pointed, arms overhead and fingers pointed. Raise your shoulders off the floor, engage your abs to lift your thighs off the floor in a V-shape, engage your abs again, and slowly return to the starting position.

4. Dumbbell Dead-lift

HIIT Workout

Place dumbbells on floor in front of you. Bend your hips and knees and grasp the dumbbells with an overhand grip. Stand up on the dumbbells by pushing your hips forward without rotating your lower back. Return dumbbells to floor. This counts as one rep.

5. Mountain Climbers

Love Handles Exercises and Muffin Top Workout for Women

Start with your body in a straight line and your hands slightly wider than shoulder width apart. Keeping your toes and the balls of your feet touching the floor, bring one knee up toward the center of your abdomen, then quickly switch legs.

6. Crunch

Love Handles Exercises and Muffin Top Workout for Women

Lie on your back with knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Place fingers on forehead. Raise head and shoulders and pull chest toward pelvis. Pause, then slowly lower back down.

7. Flutter Kicks

Love Handles Exercises and Muffin Top Workout for Women

Start on your back with your hands underneath you at the small of your back and your shoulders lifted off the floor. Lift your legs slightly off the floor and perform small alternating kicks, keeping your toes pointed. Each leg movement counts as one rep.

8. Dumbbell Side Bends

Love Handles Exercises and Muffin Top Workout for Women

When you add this workout to your routine, you are targeting the external and internal obliques. Strengthening these muscles can help tighten the entire side wall of the abdomen and can also help cinch your waist and create a more curvaceous body.

Stand with feet hip width apart and hold dumbbells at sides. Bend sideways to the right, squeezing your waist with your right side. Keep your neck as neutral as possible and look forward, not down. Switch sides and bend to the left.

9. Goblet Squat

Love Handles Exercises and Muffin Top Workout for Women

Stand with feet wider than shoulder width and toes slightly pointed. Hold dumbbell in front of chest with both hands. Keep back flat, push hips back, bend knees and lower body until thighs are parallel to floor and elbows touch knees. With weight concentrated on heels, return to starting position.

10. Burpees

Love Handles Exercises and Muffin Top Workout for Women

This workout turns your body into a fat-burning powerhouse because burpees are a full-body, high-intensity exercise that burns a significant amount of calories. Studies show that high-intensity workouts like burpees can burn up to 50% more fat than moderate workouts.

Start by standing upright with your feet shoulder-width apart. Lower into a squat and place your hands in front of your feet. Push your legs back until they are fully extended, assuming a plank position. Perform a push-up, then jump forward and drive through your heels to return to the starting position.

11. Alternate Heel Touch

Love Handles Exercises and Muffin Top Workout for Women

Lie on your back on the floor with your knees bent. Keep your feet shoulder-width apart, your arms at your sides, and your shoulders just above the floor. Touch your right hand to your right heel and use your abs to lean in. Repeat with left hand and left heel.

12. Bridge Pose

Love Handles Exercises and Muffin Top Workout for Women

Lie on the floor with your arms at your sides, palms down, and your legs at a 90-degree angle above your hips. Keep your feet flexed. Engage your core muscles to raise your hips off the floor as your legs move toward the ceiling, then lower them back to the starting position.

Effective Love Handles & Muffin Top Workout for Women at Home

Love Handles Exercises and Muffin Top Workout for Women

Keep reading: 7 chair exercises for abs to flat stomach and slim waist

Share these effective muffin top workout with all your friends! They’ll thank you later when they’re sexy again.