The No. 1 Snack for Weight Loss, According to a Dietitian

Weight loss is not an easy goal to achieve if you don’t change your diet, but hummus is a good food to help you achieve your goal, and here’s why.

Until recently, hummus was not very well known, but it has become one of the trendiest super foods. It is a snack that comes from the Middle East and offers great health benefits; above all, it is an excellent ingredient for weight loss thanks to its properties that together are wonderful for taking care of your body shape.

Hummus is a typical dish of oriental cuisine that combines chickpeas, lemon juice and olive oil, but you can also add other things like sesame seeds, garlic and spices. Here is how hummus is good for weight loss.

Nutritional Properties and Benefits of Hummus

Hummus is perfect for vegetarian diets because it is a great source of iron and becomes a complete protein when eaten with bread. It is not a low-calorie food, but it is very healthy compared to cream cheese or other spreads.

It can also be used instead of mayonnaise in salads (one spoonful of mayonnaise has 90 calories, while one spoonful of hummus has only 30 calories). It can even be served with salmon, hard-boiled eggs, peppers, etc.

Is Hummus Good for Weight Loss? 15 Health Benefits of Hummus

1. Low in calories

The caloric intake is minimal and it is rich in healthy unsaturated fatty acids, linoleic and oleic acid, which keep cells in 100% healthy condition.

2. Balance your diet

According to experts, thanks to the high fiber content of hummus, people who consume it frequently feel fuller and eat less fat and carbohydrates. The result? Weight loss!

3. High Protein Content

Its high protein content helps to fight hunger pangs and its low glycemic value keeps blood sugar levels stable. Hummus is present in the diet of many athletes because it is easily assimilated by the body, especially if the food is of good quality. Even if we do not want to eat bread, we can substitute it with vegetables such as carrots or celery.

4. High doses of minerals

Hummus contains many minerals such as iron, phosphorus, potassium, calcium and magnesium, as well as vitamin B, niacin, folic acid, thiamine and riboflavin, which help protect and improve the condition of the different organs of our body and the muscular and nervous systems.

Is Hummus Good for Weight Loss? 15 Health Benefits of Hummus

5. Low fat content

The fat content of hummus is not high. Among the fatty acids it provides are linoleic acid and oleic acid, which help keep cells in perfect condition. In addition, the high content of omega-3 fatty acids helps prevent cardiovascular disease, regulate cholesterol and sharpen intelligence.

6. Great source of fiber and energy

Chickpeas, the main ingredient of hummus, are characterized by their high carbohydrate content and slow absorption, which provide energy to keep us active for longer without being accompanied by high sugar levels. This makes it an ideal food for diabetics.

7. Best alternative

Hummus is a great alternative if you want to accompany any of your dishes with dressings such as mayonnaise, ketchup, etc., as it provides great taste without breaking the diet.

8. Helps weight loss

Is hummus good for weight loss? The high amount of fiber it contains can help you eat fewer fatty foods, increase your sense of satiety, and improve your digestion. A study published in the journal Nutrition and Food Science suggests that those who eat hummus as a snack are 53% less likely to be obese and 51% less likely to be prone to high sugar levels.

Is Hummus Good for Weight Loss? 15 Health Benefits of Hummus

9. Reduces inflammation

It also has diuretic and antioxidant effects thanks to the presence of garlic and its unsaturated fatty acids, thus eliminating the uric acid that causes swelling and cardiovascular problems.

10. It is a powerful antidepressant

Hummus produces serotonin (the happiness hormone), which can help fight depression and low mood. It also prevents overeating due to feelings of sadness as it increases the feeling of satiety.

12. Promotes intestinal transit and fights constipation

Being a great source of fiber, it will help regulate the functioning of the intestines and improve digestion.

13. Regulates cholesterol and blood sugar levels

Chickpeas (one of the main ingredients of this dish) reduce bad cholesterol and regulate blood sugar levels.

14. Helps reduce the risk of cancer

Phosphorus and saponin compounds help protect the cell from genetic damage that causes cancer. Foods containing folic acid reduce the risk of colon or rectal cancer by promoting the growth of benign bacteria in the colon. Their high fiber content is also beneficial in preventing this type of cancer.

15. Antioxidant effects

One of the main ingredients of this dish is garlic, which gives hummus an important flavor. But it also has antioxidant properties because it is used as a natural antibiotic and has strong germicidal effects. According to some studies, garlic also has stimulating properties on the activity of the digestive organs and is beneficial for respiratory and cardiovascular problems.

How to make hummus?

Is Hummus Good for Weight Loss? 15 Health Benefits of Hummus


  • 350-400 g chickpeas
  • 100 g of tahini or sesame seed paste
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • juice of ½ lemon
  • salt


  1. Soak the chickpeas overnight.
  2. The next day, boil them for two hours until they are soft.
  3. Drain and let them cool.
  4. Blend with all the ingredients until you obtain a homogeneous paste.
  5. Serve with Arabic bread.

Keep reading: Pineapple for weight loss: will an exotic fruit help to lose weight

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