5 Easy Exercises to Banish Bra Bulge and Tone Your Back Fat

Say goodbye to bra bulge with these bra bulge exercises! Tighten shoulders, chest, and tone your back to banish that bra bulge for good.

Even the most toned and fit women can get a little sensitive about that pesky bulge peeking through the sides of their bra. Or through the sleeve of a favorite tank top. Or through the neckline of a gorgeous strapless dress! The ugly truth is that bra bulges can instantly make a woman question her ensemble and her confidence. So what can we do about it?

Well, if you want to boost your confidence and finally get into tube tops and breezy, sleeveless dresses this summer, we have a list of the best bra bulge exercises to help you firm your shoulders, chest and tone your back, which will help you say goodbye to the horror of bra bulges for good!

If you want to see results in record time, perform 3 sets of 15 reps of each of these awesome bra bulge exercises, and also try incorporating a few of them into your weekly strength training routine. So let’s not waste any more time and get on with the mission of ‘bye-bye bra bulge’!

5 ! Tighten shoulders, chest, and tone your back for a sleeker silhouette. Start today!

1. Upright Rows

5 Effective Bra Bulge Exercises to Tone Your Back

Upright Rows are a great bra bulge exercises to target the shoulder and upper back muscles. To perform this exercise correctly, start by standing with your feet apart (hip width apart). Grasp a barbell or pair of dumbbells and hold them so that they lie horizontally on your thighs. Next, raise the weights and bring them up to your chest. Make sure you’re using only your shoulders and arms to lift the weights during each rep. If you feel like you’re taking support from your hips or even the rest of your body, stop and repeat.

Do 3 sets of 15 reps.

2. Triceps Kickbacks

5 Effective Bra Bulge Exercises to Tone Your Back

Some may complain that working your triceps doesn’t seem like it would help with the bra bulge dilemma. Rest assured, however, that while they may not seem intuitively effective, they’re actually brilliant at shredding back and pesky underarm fat, while also helping you improve the strength of your chest muscles as you make these pushing motions.

So, start by placing your feet together with your knees slightly bent. Now lean your torso forward slightly until it is at a 45-degree angle to the floor. Next, bring both elbows up until you feel your forearms are about parallel to the floor. Remember, your elbow should be at a good 90-degree angle at your starting point, then extend your arms out behind you until you’ve fully extended your elbows. Then slowly bring them back to your starting position and repeat.

Do 3 sets of 15 reps.

3. Front Raises

5 Effective Bra Bulge Exercises to Tone Your Back

These two exercises are another great bra bulge exercises to eliminate bra bulge fat. For the front raises, start by making sure you’re standing straight with the dumbbells in front of your thighs. Position your palms facing your body with your elbows slightly bent. Now raise your arms straight out in front of you until they are parallel to the floor. Finally, lower your arms back to the starting position. Remember, you can also perform front raises by starting with your hands on either side with your thumbs up and palms facing each other as you raise your dumbbell-loaded arms in front of you.

Do 3 sets of 15 reps.

4. Side Raises

5 Effective Bra Bulge Exercises to Tone Your Back

For side raises, simply stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart. Your arms should be hanging at your sides, palms facing each other. Now, keeping your elbows slightly bent, raise your arms out to the sides until they are both parallel to the floor. Finally, slowly bring them back down and repeat. Make sure all movements are controlled and slow to be effective.

Do 3 sets of 15 reps.

5. Single-arm Dumbbell Rows

5 Effective Bra Bulge Exercises to Tone Your Back

If you’ve been looking for the perfect exercise to target that bra bulge, this is your answer! To perform this exercise, you will need a bench. However, if you do not have one, you can use any raised, flat surface instead. If possible, you can even use a couple of chairs for this exercise, since one-armed dumbbell rows actually target one side with each rep-just alternate sides so that the backs of your chairs don’t restrict your range of motion.

Start by placing your right knee and right arm (it should be from the same side for support) on the bench as if you were about to start crawling, but with only the right side of your body. Make sure your back is straight and parallel to the floor while holding the dumbbell in your left hand. Now, with the palm facing your torso, begin to pull the dumbbell up to the area of your ribs. You should use only your back muscles. Make sure your core and back are nice and tight, and don’t make the mistake of hunching your shoulders. Return to starting position and repeat. Do the second set with the dumbbell on the right side of your body.

Do 3 sets of 15 reps.

So there you have it – the 4 best bra bulge exercises to bust for good. Follow this regimen diligently and you will soon be proudly showing off your armpit-baring clothes.!

Keep reading: Best Dumbbell Exercises For Arms At Home For Beginners

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