15 Foods You Can Eat as Much as You Want and Not Gain Weight

Fat burning foods are foods that help speed up the metabolism in a natural way. They burn more calories and promote the weight loss process.

Losing weight is never easy: we often try to lose weight without success , perhaps by eating very little and spending the days starving. Yet there is nothing more wrong than to go hungry for nothing! In fact, there are so many fat burning foods that help you lose weight and that you can take to get rid of the extra pounds on your thighs, belly, hips and abs !

By adding these fat burning foods into your diet you will be able to speed up your basal metabolic rate , i.e. lose weight simply by eating ! To eliminate the extra pounds and lose weight by eating foods that help eliminate all accumulated fat!

Below you will find a list of these foods that you can include in your diet to help your metabolism function properly. so you can eat them as you want.

15 Fat Burning Foods that Help You Lose Weight !

1- Tomatoes

15 Fat Burning Foods You Can Eat As Much As You Want and Lose Weight

Tomatoes are generally included to any diet since they contain lycopene, a carotenoid which helps to fight chronic diseases by giving them a unique red color. Furthermore, tomatoes are rich in vitamin A, C and B2 as well as chromium, potassium and fiber. Check out the tomato diet

2- Oranges

15 Fat Burning Foods You Can Eat As Much As You Want and Lose Weight

Oranges are known for their high vitamin C content, which is also low in calories and helps keep your skin healthy thanks to the collagen.

3- Broccoli

15 Fat Burning Foods You Can Eat As Much As You Want and Lose Weight

Broccoli is highly nutritious whether eaten raw or steamed. They contain sulforaphane, an anti-cancer that helps to strengthen a body through food. It also has vitamins A, C, E and K and a total of 20% fiber that an adult needs in a single serving. Check out the Broccoli Diet

4- Cucumber

15 Fat Burning Foods You Can Eat As Much As You Want and Lose Weight

Cucumber also composed mainly of water, which is why they provide only 16 calories per serving. Their seeds and skin contain most of their nutritional value, therefore it is better not to peel them as they give us fiber and vitamin A. Check out the Cucumber Diet

5- Celery

15 Fat Burning Foods You Can Eat As Much As You Want and Lose Weight

About 95% of celery is water, it has high amounts of potassium, fiber and 30% of its daily requirement of vitamin K. Therefore, each celery gives you a total of 6 calories. But it should be eaten fresh because celery loses this property in 5-7 days after purchase.

6- Kale

15 Fat Burning Foods You Can Eat As Much As You Want and Lose Weight

Kale has very few calories but high protein and fiber content. A serving size equivalent to one cup contains 33 calories and 3 grams of protein. And, the best part is that it contains omega-3 fatty acids and plenty of vitamins.

7- Blueberries

15 Fat Burning Foods You Can Eat As Much As You Want and Lose Weight

Blueberries have a reputation for being rich in antioxidants and also contain a lot of fiber, about 14% of the daily recommended. A cup of blueberries contains only 85 calories.

8- Blackberries

15 Fat Burning Foods You Can Eat As Much As You Want and Lose Weight

The health benefits of blackberries are incredibly versatile, like many other berries, the fruit is rich in vitamin C and also rich in antioxidants called bioflavonoids. By eating blackberries, you can assist in digestion, and strengthen your tissues, and improve your skin.

9- Popcorn

15 Fat Burning Foods You Can Eat As Much As You Want and Lose Weight

That’ s probably the most surprising food on the list. They are made mostly of air, so one cup contains only 31 calories and you can enjoy eating them without fear of gaining weight.

10- Cantaloupe

15 Fat Burning Foods You Can Eat As Much As You Want and Lose Weight

Cantaloupe has a lot of beta carotene, a form of vitamin A that promotes eye health. It is 90% water, so one cup contains only about 55 calories and also provides more than 100% of its recommended daily value of vitamins A and C.

11- Lettuce

15 Fat Burning Foods You Can Eat As Much As You Want and Lose Weight

Most types of lettuce, whether romaine or iceberg, have only 10 to 20 calories per serving. They do not contain large amounts of protein, but they do contain vitamins and nutrients such as iron and vitamins A and C.

12- Strawberries

15 Fat Burning Foods You Can Eat As Much As You Want and Lose Weight

A strawberry has more vitamin C. In fact, it also has several types of antioxidants. It is high in potassium and fiber, which makes it perfect for the heart. One cup gives you 50 calories.

13- Peas

15 Fat Burning Foods You Can Eat As Much As You Want and Lose Weight

The sweet peas have a sweetness and natural texture, which makes them the perfect snack. A cup of instant peas (about 3 ounces) has 35 calories and contains 2 grams of fiber and protein.

14- Cauliflower

15 Fat Burning Foods You Can Eat As Much As You Want and Lose Weight

A very nutritional vegetable that contains antioxidants and folates that help fight chronic diseases as well as being an excellent source of folate, fiber and vitamins C and K. A serving size is about 25 calories.

15- Grapefruit

15 Fat Burning Foods You Can Eat As Much As You Want and Lose Weight

Studies have shown that adding grapefruit to diets helps you lose weight. Because they are high in fiber and satiate us, stabilizing blood sugar levels. There are 50 calories in each grapefruit and a large amount of vitamin C, helping those with heart problems.

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