10 Best inner thigh exercises to sculpt and tone your upper Thigh

Discover these best  inner thigh exercises for sculpting and toning your upper legs at home. Get ready to strengthen and shape your upper thigh!

The inner thigh is a concern for all women: unfortunately, the fat that accumulates in this area is one of the most difficult to fight because the adductors (this is the name of the small muscles inside the thighs) are not very stimulated in everyday life.

We have put together a list of 10 simple, yet powerful inner thigh exercises that specifically target the inner thighs that you can easily do in the comfort of your own home to strengthen and tone your leg muscles!

10 Inner Thigh Exercises to Sculpt and Tone Upper Thigh

1. Ball

10 Inner Thigh Exercises to Sculpt and Tone Upper Thighs

Sit up, back straight and belly in. Place a ball between your knees.
Apply pressure on the ball, first slowly (20 repetitions), then quickly (20). Contract your buttocks and thighs: the movement does not start by squeezing your knees, but by contracting your leg muscles.
Exhale as you hold the ball, keeping the stomach inward to work the pelvic floor, abdomen and adductors.

2. Elastic

10 Inner Thigh Exercises to Sculpt and Tone Upper Thighs

Tie the fitness elastic around a chair or piece of furniture. Legs semi-bent so as not to arch your back, stomach in and hands on hips. You can use ankle weights to enhance the workout. Insert your left leg into the elastic and place it over your knee. Spread your legs and bring the weight slightly over your right leg.
Close your left leg by moving it to the right without moving your pelvis.
Repeats: 20 with your left leg and 20 with your right leg.

3. Skating

10 Inner Thigh Exercises to Sculpt and Tone Upper Thighs

Stretched out with your back resting on your elbows, bend your knees and place two towels under your feet.
Pressing with your feet on the floor, open and close your legs.
Repeat 20 times.

4. Frog

10 Best inner thigh exercises to sculpt and tone your upper Legs

Place your belly on the floor, open your legs, bend them and bring your heels close together so that they touch.
Press your heels against each other (the picture shows how to correctly execute the press). This is isometric work.
Hold the press for 20 seconds. Relax 20 seconds and repeat the exercise 3 times.

5. Cross your legs

10 Best inner thigh exercises to sculpt and tone your upper Legs

On all fours, rest your elbows on the floor, looking down, being careful not to arch your back.
Lift your right leg straight in the extension of the back.

10 Best inner thigh exercises to sculpt and tone your upper Legs

Move the straight right leg to the left until it touches the outside of the mat with the toe of the foot. PS: be careful not to move your torso and pelvis.
Repetitions: 20 to the right and 20 to the left.

6.  Leg lift

10 Best inner thigh exercises to sculpt and tone your upper Legs

Standing, bring your torso forward and rest your hands on a piece of furniture or a chair. Lift the extended right leg and bring it to the extension of the back.

10 Best inner thigh exercises to sculpt and tone your upper Legs

Bring the leg to the left and try to make the toe touch the floor. PS: be careful not to move your pelvis.
Repetitions: 20 to the right and 20 to the left.

7. Open legs

10 Best inner thigh exercises to sculpt and tone your upper Legs

Lying on the floor, lift your legs straight, at 90 degrees to the floor, with your back flat on the floor.
Spread your legs without moving your pelvis, toes pointed out.
Return to the starting position.
Repetitions: 2 times 20.

8. Opening with ankle weights

10 Best inner thigh exercises to sculpt and tone your upper Legs

Lying on the floor, weights at your ankles, raise your legs extended at 90 degrees, with your back flat on the floor.

10 Best inner thigh exercises to sculpt and tone your upper Legs

Spread your legs without moving your pelvis, toes pointed out.
Repetitions: 20.

9. Sequence

10 Best inner thigh exercises to sculpt and tone your upper Legs

Lying on the floor with weights on your ankles, lift your legs extended at 90 degrees. Spread your feet like a ballerina so that your heels touch each other.
Toes extended, cross your legs to the right.

10 Best inner thigh exercises to sculpt and tone your upper Legs

Cross legs to the left.

10 Best inner thigh exercises to sculpt and tone your upper Legs

Switch quickly between the cross impulses.
Repetitions: the sequence should be repeated 20 times.

10. Sumo squat

10 Best inner thigh exercises to sculpt and tone your upper Legs

Always with the weights at your ankles, start standing with your toes open at 45 degrees.
Bringing your arms forward, perform a side squat to the right and place your thighs almost parallel to the floor.
Return to starting position.
Repetitions: alternate 20 side lunges to the right and 20 side lunges to the left.

Now you know what are the these best inner thigh exercises and to tone your legs, so all that’s left to do is practice!

Keep reading: 7 Chair Exercises For Abs To Flat Stomach And Slim Waist

Share these inner thigh exercises with your friends, they will thank you later when they get shapely legs!