5 exercises to lose belly fat you only need a wall

Tone your belly fat, butt, thighs, arms and more, this total body exercises you only need a wall and 10 minutes. Having a flat stomach is ideal for many women

This time we want to show you 4 exercises that will help you to have a defined, strong and resistant abdominal wall.

Tone your belly fat, butt, thighs, arms and more, this total body exercises you only need a wall and 10 minutes.

1. Wall Sit

Stand with your back against the wall you have chosen. Take a few small steps forward, keeping your back and arms against the wall, bend your legs at a 90 degree angle and lower your back. Hold the “sitting” position for a few seconds and then come back up.

2. Triceps Push-Up


Stand in front of the wall you have chosen, about 40 inches away, and place your hands against the wall, palms open. Your arms should feel well stretched, if not you will need to step back a few inches. Again, non-slip shoes are required. Bend your arms, move your body closer to the wall and then step back, working your arm muscles and abs.

3. Mountain Climber


This exercise becomes increasingly difficult and requires your full attention. Assume the “dog” position and kneel with your feet facing the wall. Raise your lower body by climbing up the wall with your feet until you form a line from your feet to your shoulders that is parallel to the floor. Now bring one leg up to your chest at a time and only come back when you have reached balance.

4. Glute Bridge


Same position, but the buttocks are about 30 cm from the wall. The feet are against the wall and the legs are bent. The arms should remain firmly on the floor. From here, lift your buttocks by extending your right leg and letting it go up. Return to the starting position and bend the other leg, continuing to lift the buttocks and keep the abdominal muscles engaged.

5. Legs on the Wall


Now you can rest for a while. Lie on your back on a mat and place your bottom as close to the wall as possible, while lifting your legs firmly against the wall until they form a perfect 90° angle. Hold this position for 10 minutes; it is very beneficial for your spine and circulation. After this time, do pelvic lifts by pushing your feet down and pressing the soles of your feet firmly against the wall.

Keep reading: 3 Simple Exercises That Sculpt Your Legs and Abs In Just Two Minutes

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