Try this 5-minute Japanese ab exercise that helps lose belly fat in a short

There are many home workouts available, but most require equipment or are time consuming. One alternative is the Japanese ab exercise, which promises to get your abdominal in shape in just 5 minutes a day. Will you try it?

The Japanese Ab Exercise, created by Japanese personal trainer Kenichi Sakuma, promises to slim your waistline and lose belly fat in just two weeks with simple exercises and just five minutes a day.

However, the Sakuma Method is different because it requires no big movements, no equipment – other than the chairs and towels we all have at our fingertips – and it takes no more than five minutes a day, much less than it takes to choose a movie on Netflix.

5 Minute Japanese ab exercise to lose belly fat in a short

Exercise 1

5 Minute japanese ab exercise that promises to slim waist and lose belly fat in a short

This first exercise is designed to tone the lower body, reduce volume and strengthen the chest, arms and abdomen.

To do this, lie face down on a mat or floor and place your hands on your head at the top of your head with your elbows pointing to the side. Make sure your back is straight and in line with your head, bring your chin close to your chest to avoid hurting your neck, and place your waist on the floor. Once you have the posture, lift your legs as high as you can by pressing one against the other and the upper torso, hold the posture for 10 seconds. Repeat this exercise by crossing your ankles.

Repeat each 3 times without rest.

Exercise 2

5 Minute japanese ab exercise that promises to slim waist and lose belly fat in a short

Another exercise proposed by Kenichi Sakuma to tone and correct hip rotation, while reducing volume in your thighs and sides of your hips, should also be done lying face down.

In this case the chest remains in contact with the floor at all times, with the arms half crossed and with the head resting on them. In your lower part you should cross your ankles and separate your knees, from this position lift your thighs as much as you can.

Repeat each time for 3 times without pause.

Exercise 3

5 Minute japanese ab exercise that promises to slim waist and lose belly fat in a short

However, there is one other area that is most often worked on, and that is the waistline, to try to get rid of the fat that has accumulated in that area.

This exercise proposed by the Japanese method consists of sitting on a chair with your back straight, letting your hands fall to the sides of your hips and moving your ears away from your shoulders. Then you have to lift each side of the hip alternately without moving the shoulders, to make it easier you can accompany the movement by lifting the knee.

Hold this position for three seconds on each side and repeat 10 times without pausing.

Exercise 4

5 Minute japanese ab exercise that promises to slim waist and lose belly fat in a short

This exercise of the Sakuma Method activates the whole body.

Stand upright, stretch your arms up, cross your fingers and stand on your toes. Then squat down, maintaining the position of your arms. Make sure your back is straight and do not lean forward or backward.

Perform this exercise 15 to 20 times in a row.

Exercise 5

5 Minute japanese ab exercise that promises to slim waist and lose belly fat in a short

Finally, we suggest the fifth exercise to introduce you to the Sakuma Method. This exercise also works all the muscles and stability.

To perform it, bend one knee at a right angle and leave the other knee behind as shown in the picture, keeping the toe of the foot on the floor. Stretch your arms forward and interlock your fingers, rotating your torso and arms as far as possible to the side where your knee is resting, without lowering or raising your arms. Now turn to the opposite side and when you have reached your stop, raise your fists forming a diagonal.

Do this 20 times, then switch legs and repeat 20 times.

Keep reading: 7 effective exercises to get rid of folds on your back and side

Share this Japanese ab exercise with all your friends – they’ll thank you later when they get in shape!