7 Exercises to Get Rid of Back and Armpit Fat in 20 Minutes

Are you tired of feeling self-conscious about back and armpit fat? Do you want to sculpt your body and feel confident in your own skin? Look no further! In this article, we will share 7 exercises that target back and armpit fat and can be done in just 20 minutes. Say goodbye to those pesky problem areas and hello to a toned and sculpted body.

Back and armpit fat can be a source of insecurity for many people. It can make it difficult to wear certain clothing styles and can affect self-confidence. But beyond the aesthetic concerns, excess fat in these areas can also lead to health issues such as poor posture and back pain.

Fortunately, with the right exercises and a consistent workout routine, you can target and reduce back and armpit fat. Let’s dive into the exercises that will help you achieve your body sculpting goals.

1- Arm Circles

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Arm circles are a simple but effective exercise for targeting armpit fat. To perform this exercise, stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and extend your arms out to the sides. Make small circles with your arms, gradually increasing the size of the circles. After 30 seconds, switch directions and continue for another 30 seconds.

2- Bent Over Row

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Bent-over rows are a great exercise for targeting back fat. To perform this exercise, stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and hold a dumbbell in each hand. Bend your knees slightly and hinge at the hips, keeping your back straight. Pull the dumbbells towards your chest, squeezing your shoulder blades together. Lower the weights back down and repeat for 3 sets of 12 reps.

3. Renegade Rows

Hiit workoutRenegade rows are a challenging exercise that targets the back, armpits, and core. Start in a plank position with your hands on dumbbells. Keeping your core engaged, lift one dumbbell up towards your armpit, squeezing your back muscles. Lower the dumbbell back down and repeat on the other side. This exercise will not only help tone your back and armpits, but also your core.

4- Bicep Curls

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Bicep curls are a great exercise for targeting the arms and can be done with dumbbells or resistance bands. To perform this exercise, stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and hold a dumbbell in each hand. Keeping your elbows close to your sides, curl the weights towards your shoulders. Slowly lower the weights back down and repeat for 3 sets of 20 reps.

5- Reverse fly

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Reverse flys target the upper back and can be done with dumbbells or resistance bands. To perform this exercise, stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and hold a dumbbell in each hand. Hinge at the hips, keeping your back straight, and let your arms hang towards the ground. Lift the weights out to the sides, squeezing your shoulder blades together. Slowly lower the weights back down and repeat for 3 sets of 15 reps.

6. Tricep Dips

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Tricep dips are an effective exercise for targeting armpit fat. To perform this exercise, sit on the edge of a chair or bench with your hands gripping the edge. Walk your feet out and lower your body until your arms are at a 90-degree angle. Push back up to the starting position and repeat for 3 sets of 10 reps.

7. Lat Pulldowns

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Lat pulldowns are a great exercise for targeting back fat and can be done with a resistance band or at the gym with a cable machine. To perform this exercise, sit facing the cable machine or attach a resistance band to a sturdy object above you. Grab the handle or band with both hands and pull it down towards your chest, squeezing your shoulder blades together. Slowly release back to the starting position and repeat for 3 sets of 20 reps.