11 Stretching Exercises to Fix Rounded Shoulders and Sculpt Beautiful Posture

The demands of modern life, such as spending hours and hours working or studying sitting down, make us forget to maintain good  spinal posture . And poor posture leads to an imbalance in the muscles, meaning they cannot support the body properly.

Fortunately, this can be resolved with a set of relatively simple stretching exercises that, in addition to improving posture, are capable of reducing  back pain , eliminating headaches, increasing energy and improving circulation and digestion.

We discovered 11 simple stretching exercises that anyone can do at home to improve their posture. At the end, we’ve included a little tip as a bonus for those who enjoy a good massage . But remember to always look for a specialist if you feel any discomfort during these activities.

1. Upper trapezius stretch

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The first thing to do is try to relax your upper muscles. The  upper trapezius stretch is perfect for this.

Starting position: For this exercise, you can stand or sit on a yoga mat or blanket. Keep your head straight.

What to do:

  • Slowly move your right ear towards your right shoulder. When doing the movement, it is normal for your left shoulder to also lift. If this happens, bring your head back to the starting position and try to relax your left shoulder.
  • Place your right hand over your left cheek. Do not lower your head, but move it to the side. This will stretch your upper trapezius muscles.
  • Calmly, breathe and try to remain still and relaxed for 30 seconds.
  • Slowly remove your hand, return to the starting position and repeat on the other side.

2. Superman

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The  Superman exercise involves both the upper and lower back . Helps combat lower back pain and prevents spinal curvatures.

Starting position: Lie face down on the yoga mat (or blanket).

What to do:

  • Extend your arms and legs. Keep your neck neutral.
  • Keep your torso still and raise your arms and legs toward the ceiling. Try to form a “U” with your body, as in the image above.
  • Hold the position for 5 seconds, lower your arms and legs and return to the starting position.
  • Repeat 10 times — or 8 times if you’re just starting out.

3. Bridge

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The bridge works your glutes and strengthens your lower back, which is important for achieving good posture.

Starting position: Lie on the yoga mat, bend your knees and place your feet hip-width apart. Extend your arms along your body.

What to do:

  • Contract your glutes and raise them, creating a straight line with your body. Your shoulders should be on the floor.
  • Hold this position for 10 seconds and slowly lower your body back to the starting position.
  • Repeat 15 to 20 times — or 10 to 12 if you’re not in shape. Rest for 30 seconds after every 5 repetitions.

4. Reverse shoulder stretch

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This is an  effective exercise for stretching the back and shoulder muscles, eliminating tension and pain.

Starting position: Stand on a yoga mat (or blanket), with your feet wider than shoulder-width apart; place your hands extended behind you and interlace them, as in the image above.

What to do:

  • Bring your shoulder blades together and begin to raise your arms. Try to feel the tension in the muscles of your spine and shoulders.
  • For a greater spinal stretch, lean forward and raise your clasped hands. Hold this position for 10 to 15 seconds.
  • Slowly return to the starting position.
  • Repeat 20 times — or 15 times if you’re just starting out.

5. Foam Roller Exercise for Upper Back

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A foam roller is relatively inexpensive (it costs around 100 reais) and can help you relieve pain in your back muscles, bring your shoulders into the correct position and improve your overall posture.

Starting position: Take a yoga mat and lie down with your feet hip-width apart and your feet on the floor. Place the roller below the shoulder blade.

What to do:

  • Keep your hands behind your head for support. Move your hips in bridge pose and maintain balance by supporting your body with your legs.
  • Inhale, push your body with your heels and roll the cylinder into your spine. Stop when the roller reaches the top of your shoulder blades.
  • Exhale and roll the cylinder down to the middle of your back.
  • Repeat the exercise, remaining in the bridge position for 30 to 45 seconds.

6. Cat and cow exercise

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The  cat and  cow exercise is excellent for stretching your back, lower spine, and core muscles.

Starting position: Stand on all fours on the yoga mat, place your hands under your shoulders and knees and feet hip-width apart. Keep your fingers pointing forward. Your spine should be natural and straight, without bending or arching.

What to do:

  • Cat position: Exhale and contract your abdominal muscles. Arch your spine toward the ceiling, bringing your head to  your chest , in line with your spine. Hold the position for 10 seconds.
  • Cow Pose: Slowly begin to bring your abdomen to the floor and try to feel the tension in your lower back. Bring your shoulder blades together. Hold for 10 seconds and return to the starting position.
  • Repeat 15 times.

7. Hip flexor stretch

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Stretching your hip flexor muscle will help relieve tension in the muscles in your pelvis and lower back.

Starting position: Kneel on a yoga mat, bring your right leg forward and bend it at a 90-degree angle. Your foot should stay on the floor. Support yourself on your left knee, which should also bend 90 degrees.

What to do:

  • Slowly start by bringing your right knee forward and contract your abs. Squeeze your glutes and keep bringing your hips forward.
  • Your left knee should bend at a position slightly greater than 90 degrees. Keep your spine straight and do not arch your back forward or backward.
  • Hold this position for 10 seconds to feel the muscles stretch and slowly return to the starting position.
  • Repeat 10 times on both sides — eight times if you’re not used to it.

8. Bird Dog Exercise

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The bird dog helps eliminate back pain, strengthens the abdominal region and promotes correct posture.

Starting position: Stand on all fours on the yoga mat, with your hands under your shoulders and your knees hip-width apart. Your spine should be straight and neutral.

What to do:

  • Raise your right hand and left leg at the same time, bringing them parallel to the floor.
  • As you do this, lengthen your neck and bring your chin to your chest. Look at the floor and stay there for 10 seconds — or 8 seconds if you’re not in shape.
  • Return to the starting position and repeat the same exercise with your left hand and right leg.
  • Repeat each movement 10 to 15 times — or 8 times if you’re not in shape.

9. Forearm plank

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The plank is not only effective when it comes to burning fat, but it also helps to strengthen the spinal muscles, prevent back pain and improve posture.

Starting position: Place your forearms on the yoga mat and align your elbows below your shoulders. Your arms should be parallel to your body, shoulder-width apart.

What to do:

  • You can put your hands together for more comfort. Straighten your neck and spine by looking at a point on the floor about a foot in front of your hands.
  • Make sure your head is in line with your back.
  • Hold this position for 20 seconds.

10. Lateral spine stretch

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A lateral spinal stretch can help combat pain and tension in the lower back and torso. Additionally, it works the shoulder muscles.

Starting position: Lie on your side on a yoga mat and bend your knees and hips to 90 degrees. Extend your arms at your sides.

What to do:

  • Take your legs bent to the left side of your body, stretching the right side, with your arms open at shoulder height. Your shoulder blades should be on the floor and your legs should remain in the same position.
  • Hold for a few seconds and return to your starting position.
  • Do 30 repetitions on each side.

11. Firm shoulder massage

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A simple tennis ball can help you remove the pain in your shoulders in different areas and relax them. All you need is a tennis ball and a wall.

Starting position: Stay close to the wall. Place the tennis ball on the wall and lean on it, both front and back, applying pressure and relaxing your shoulders.

What to do:

  • Start making a circular movement around this muscle and try to identify which are the painful points.
  • Hold a ball at this point until you feel the tension and pain disappear.
  • Keep doing this until you relax all your pain points.
  • Repeat on the other shoulder.

Bonus: Thai massage is amazing for your back and shoulders

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Thai massage is an ancient massage method that uses stretching and gentle pressure on the body to relieve muscle and joint pain and balance your body. This massage helps make muscles more flexible and eliminates chronic stiffness. For better results in achieving good posture and a healthy spine, you can try doing this type of  massage , focusing on your spinal muscles.

Stretching exercises can be effective, but it’s also important to pay attention to your posture throughout the day and strive to keep your spine straight.