9 minutes a day of these exercises will give you a flat stomach and a small waist

Every woman wants a slim waist. But doing sit-ups is not a cure-all. In addition, some common abdominal exercises end up causing a widening of the waist. How do you get good results without making mistakes? Are there any magic exercises to get the ideal size?

Well, to get a smaller waist and a flat stomach, you should add exercises to your routine to get the waist you dream of.

1. Up and down

Hiit workout

Sit on half-side with legs and arms straight, weight on hips and left arm at 45 degrees, leaning on exercise mat. Squeeze your legs and abdomen until you lift your body so that it is supported only by your feet and one of your hands. Return to starting position as slowly as possible. It is recommended that you count 8 seconds as you come back down while continuing to tense your legs and abdomen. Repeat 15 times, and when you are finished, switch sides and start again.

2- Tone-Up

Hiit workout

Sit on exercise mat with back straight and legs apart (90°). Straighten arms to shoulder height. Twist at waist and lower until right hand touches tip of left foot. Return to starting position and repeat with opposite foot and hand. Repeat the entire sequence 30 times, keeping your legs close to the mat and your back straight.

3- Lateral leg raises

Hiit workout

This is the third exercise of your training plan, what you will do is stand up and raise your right leg sideways as far as you can without bending the knee, then bring the leg back to the starting position and do the same with the left leg, go back down and so you will do different repetitions, you can do 30, that would be 15 for each leg.

4- Leg swing

Hiit workout

Lie supine on exercise mat with arms at sides. Raise your legs at a 45-degree angle. Be careful not to lift your back, arms, or head during this movement. Bring your legs together to the right. It is important to keep your legs together at all times and rotate until you feel your body stretch. Bring your legs back to the center until they are in line with the rest of your body. Now repeat the previous movement, turning to the left. Do 15 repetitions on each side and rest for 2 seconds each time you return your legs to the center.

5- Side plank

Hiit workout

This exercise is similar to the plank in that you will start in the same way and make the same movement of lifting your body sideways, only this time you will not stay static, but you will lower and raise your hips several times. Do a total of 30 repetitions, then turn to the other side and do 30 more repetitions.

6- Knees to elbow

Hiit workout

With your upper body straight and legs apart, lift one knee toward the opposite elbow. The advantage of this exercise is that you can perform it in whatever position is most comfortable for you, either standing or lying down. Do 15 repetitions on each side.

7- Swimming on air

Hiit workout

Lie on your stomach on an exercise mat. Raise your arms, legs and head so that your body is resting on your abdominal area. Now move your limbs in a “scissors” motion, alternating up and down. Count 20 seconds while performing these movements, then return to starting position and rest for 2 seconds. Do this 20 times.

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