Transform Your Body with the 75 Soft Challenge

Are you looking to challenge yourself and improve your physical and mental well-being? The 75 Soft Challenge may be just what you need. This popular challenge has gained traction on social media and has helped many individuals push themselves to new limits. In this article, we’ll discuss what the 75 Soft Challenge is, how to complete it, and provide a free printable to help you track your progress.

What is the 75 Soft Challenge?

The 75 Soft Challenge is a 75-day challenge that focuses on improving physical and mental toughness. It was created by entrepreneur and author Andy Frisella and has gained popularity through social media platforms like Instagram and TikTok.

The challenge consists of two main components: physical and mental. The physical aspect requires participants to complete two 45-minute workouts per day, one of which must be outdoors. The mental aspect involves following a strict diet, drinking a gallon of water per day, and reading 10 pages of a non-fiction book.

Benefits of the 75 Soft Challenge


The 75 Soft Challenge has gained popularity for a reason. Here are some of the benefits that participants have reported:

  • Improved physical fitness: With two workouts per day, participants can see significant improvements in their physical strength and endurance.
  • Mental toughness: The challenge requires discipline and consistency, which can help individuals develop mental toughness and resilience.
  • Increased productivity: By completing two workouts and reading 10 pages per day, participants can develop a routine that can lead to increased productivity in other areas of their lives.
  • Personal growth: The challenge pushes individuals out of their comfort zones and helps them develop new habits and skills, leading to personal growth and development.

Hiit workout

How to Complete the 75 Soft Challenge

Completing the 75 Soft Challenge requires dedication and discipline. Here are some tips to help you successfully complete the challenge.

1. Set Clear Goals

Before starting the challenge, it’s essential to set clear goals for yourself. What do you want to achieve by completing the 75 Soft Challenge? Write down your goals and keep them in a visible place to remind yourself of why you’re doing the challenge.

2. Plan Your Workouts

Workout plan

by Alexandra Tran (

With two workouts per day, it’s crucial to plan your workouts in advance. This will help you stay on track and ensure that you have enough time to complete both workouts. Consider incorporating a mix of cardio, strength training, and outdoor activities to keep your workouts varied and challenging.

3. Follow a Strict Diet

The 75 Soft Challenge requires participants to follow a strict diet, which includes no cheat meals or alcohol. It’s essential to plan your meals and snacks in advance to ensure that you’re getting the necessary nutrients to fuel your workouts and stay on track with your goals.

4. Stay Hydrated

Drinking a gallon of water per day is a crucial part of the 75 Soft Challenge. It’s essential to stay hydrated to support your workouts and overall health. Consider carrying a water bottle with you throughout the day to help you track your water intake.

5. Read Every Day


Reading 10 pages of a non-fiction book every day is a key component of the 75 Soft Challenge. This can help you develop new skills and knowledge while also giving your mind a break from the daily grind. Choose a book that interests you and set aside time each day to read.

6. Track Your Progress

Tracking your progress can help you stay motivated and see how far you’ve come. Consider using a journal or a tracking app to record your workouts, water intake, and reading progress. This will also help you identify any areas where you may need to improve.

Free 75 Soft Challenge Printable

To help you stay on track and motivated, we’ve created a free 75 Soft Challenge printable. This printable includes a daily tracker for your workouts, water intake, and reading progress. It also includes a section for you to write down your goals and reflect on your progress.

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Tips for Success

Completing the 75 Soft Challenge can be challenging, but here are some tips to help you succeed:

  • Find an accountability partner: Having someone to hold you accountable and support you can make a significant difference in completing the challenge.
  • Don’t give up: There may be days where you feel like giving up, but remember your goals and why you started the challenge. Push through and keep going.
  • Listen to your body: It’s essential to listen to your body and take rest days when needed. Don’t push yourself too hard and risk injury.
  • Celebrate your progress: As you complete each day of the challenge, take a moment to celebrate your progress and how far you’ve come.


The 75 Soft Challenge is a popular challenge that can help you improve your physical and mental well-being. By following a strict diet, completing two workouts per day, and reading 10 pages of a non-fiction book, you can develop discipline, mental toughness, and personal growth. Use our free printable to help you track your progress and stay motivated throughout the 75 days. Remember to set clear goals, plan your workouts, and stay hydrated to help you successfully complete the challenge.

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