10 Stretching Stretches to Relax Your Spine After a Long Day

People who spend long hours sitting every day should pay attention to their back . If the muscles are not stretched properly, it could become very uncomfortable. This is why it is essential to stop for a moment, breathe deeply, and take a few minutes to practice simple exercises . After that, you will feel much better.

We know how disturbing neck or back pain can be. To do this stretching exercises that release tension after a long day spent in front of a screen, to gently work our muscles and improve our stability.

1. Cow head posture

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  • Sit on the floor, and after a long inhale, bring your left foot toward your right buttock with your right knee pointing straight ahead.
  • Now bring your right leg over your left leg so your knees are as aligned as possible, both pointing straight ahead. Your feet should be on one side, with your toes pointing behind you.
  • Raise your arm and bend it, bringing your hand behind your neck. Reach out with your other arm, turn it inward and bring it behind your back. Try to grab the fingers of both hands and stay in this position, without arching your back. Breathe calmly.

2. The position of the child

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  • Start this exercise in the all-fours position with your wrists, elbows and shoulders aligned, placing your palms flat on the floor.
  • Then, bring your buttocks against your feet, as low as possible, without it becoming uncomfortable.
  • Bring your head and chest toward the mat while extending your arms out in front, as far as possible.
  • Hold the position for 20 to 30 seconds or more. Then slowly return to the initial position.

3. Rotation backwards while seated

Hiit workout

  • Stretching backwards while seated helps relieve pain, and you can even do it in your office chair. Keep your feet flat on the floor when you sit down.
  • Rotate your torso to the right, keeping your hips in the same position and stretching your spine well.
  • Place your  left hand on your right knee, keeping your shoulders parallel.
  • Hold the position for 10 seconds and repeat this exercise on the left side.

4. Squeeze the shoulder blades

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  • Sit or stand with your arms at your sides.
  • Turn your palms outwards and maintain this posture throughout the exercise. Keep your shoulders relaxed and down, not contracted upward.
  • Press your shoulders back, as if you want them to touch. Keep your ears, shoulders and hips aligned.
  • Hold the position for six seconds, then release.

5. Stretching knees to chest

Hiit workout

  • Start by lying on your back with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor.
  • Place your hands under your knees .
  • Slowly bring both knees toward your chest, using your hands to gently press your knees against your chest.
  • Lift your hips slightly off the floor to feel the stretch as you massage your lower back. Count to five and return to starting position.

6. Rotating Lower Back Stretch

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  • To do the rotating lower back stretch, lie on your back with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor.
  • Keep your shoulders planted on the floor, then slowly roll your hips to place your knees to one side .
  • Hold the position for five to ten seconds. Return to starting position.
  • Switch your knees to the other side, hold the position then return to the starting point.

7. The triceps stretch

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  • Start by raising your left arm, placing it straight, then bend it and bring your hand behind your head.
  • Place your right hand behind your shoulder blades, stretching your neck. Raise your right elbow, holding it with your  left hand .
  • Hold the position for ten seconds, then release your arms and repeat on the other side.

8. Stretching the obliques

Hiit workout

  • Sit down and cross your legs.
  • Raise your arms as high as you can, then lean to your right side until you feel a slight stretch in your abdomen and ribs .
  • You can bend your arms comfortably above your head. Take a deep breath at the same time. Then release your arms.

9. Back twisting while seated

Hiit workout

  • Sit on the floor with your legs straight.
  • Bend your right knee and swing your right foot over your left leg.
  • Place your right hand on the ground, fingers pointing backwards for good support .
  • Bend your left elbow and turn your torso to the right, placing the back of your arm against your right knee. Inspire and grow.
  • Exhale as you twist, pressing your arm against your leg and looking over your right shoulder. Hold the position for five breaths, then slowly return to center. Change sides.

10. The Side Bending Stretch

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  • The side stretch is a movement that is rarely used in our daily activities, and yet it has a central place in activating and releasing the muscles responsible for all kinds of  back problems .
  • To perform this exercise , sit down and stretch your legs out to the sides as far as you can.
  • Touch your right foot with your hands and lower your head, as if you want to touch your knee. Hold the position for a few seconds and return to the starting position, taking your time. Finally, change sides.