5 exercises to slim and tone your inner thighs in no time

The inner thighs are an area of the body that is not used in everyday life. In particular, the adductor muscles, of which there are 7, tend to relax, especially with age, if they are never exercised. This is the main reason why it is so difficult to keep this part of the body firm and toned.

Some more, some less, we have all wondered at one time or another what to do to improve the appearance of the inner thighs. In this article, we will see what are the best exercises to work the adductors, to be performed at least three times a week, consistently, for excellent results.

1. Adductors with Elastic Band

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To perform this exercise, you will need a rubber or elastic band to place around your calves. From a standing position, with your legs slightly bent, move your right foot to the right and back. Then move your left foot to the left and back. Repeat 20 times for each leg.

2. Adductors with ball

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Lying on your back, legs bent, pelvis raised, place a ball between your knees and press inward. Relax and push 20 times slowly, then 20 times quickly.

3. Adductors with ankle weights

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Spread your legs while lying down. Move both legs outward. The movement is lateral only. The legs should not tilt forward or backward. Continue this movement until you feel the stretch is still comfortable for you. Bring the legs together. Perform 20 repetitions

4. Adductors with Squat Lateral Step

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Start by standing with arms forward and hands together. Push your pelvis back as if you were sitting down as your torso lowers forward. Make sure your back is straight and your knees do not cross the line of your feet. As you descend, move the straight right leg to the right. Return to standing position and repeat on opposite side. Perform 20 repetitions on each leg.

5. Plank Adductors

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From Dog Position, bend your knees and raise your torso onto your outstretched arms, palms on the floor. Legs rest on toes only. Before you begin, place a rectangle of cloth under your feet so that you can “skate” with your feet. Slowly open your legs by sliding your toes outward. Return and start again. Repeat 20 times.