13 Day Metabolism Diet Help You To Lose Up 40 Pounds In 2 Weeks

The 13-day diet also known as the 13 day metabolism diet, this diet not only helps you lose a considerable amount of weight in a short time, also change your body’s metabolism in less than two weeks.

The metabolism diet Diet allows you to lose up to 20–40 pounds, if done strictly. Starting on day 14, you can return to eating normally, without gaining weight for 3 years because this diet has altered your body’s metabolism.

13 Day Metabolism Diet Meal Plan:



  • NO cheating. Not even slightly
  • NO chewing gum (even the sugar free types)
  • NO alcohol like a beer, wine, champagne, ciders, etc..
  • NO sugar (exception honey are allowed)

Day 1

Breakfast: as much black coffee as you want ( without sugar and milk)
Lunch: 2 hard boiled eggs and boiled spinach with little salt (you can have as much spinach as you want)
Dinner: 1 large grilled steak (beef) with lettuce and celery (as much lettuce and salary as you want)

Day 2

Breakfast: as much black coffee as you want
Lunch: 1 large grilled steak (beef),lettuce, and fruits as you want
Dinner: 200g of Chicken fillet, green salad (lettuce and cucumber) and fruits as you want

Day 3

Breakfast: as much black coffee as you want and and buttered whole wheat bread
Lunch: 2 hard boiled eggs, lettuce and tomatoes, as much as you want
Dinner: 1 piece of chicken and green salad (cucumber and lettuce)

Day 4

Breakfast: as much black coffee as you want, one small roll of black bread or rye bread
Lunch: 1 hard boiled egg, carrots of any kind with swiss cheese
Dinner: plain low fat yogurt and fruits as you want

Day 5

Breakfast: as much black coffee as you want, raw carrots with lemon
Lunch: boiled white fish (or steamed), and as many tomatoes as you want
Dinner: 1 large grilled steak (beef) with lettuce as you want)

Day 6

Breakfast: as much black coffee as you want, and and buttered whole wheat bread
Lunch: grilled chicken 200g
Dinner: 2 hard boiled eggs and carrots cooked or raw

Day 7

Breakfast: Tea with lemon
Lunch: 1 grilled beef steak and any quantity of one kind of fruit
Dinner: anything on this list

When the 7 days are over, you start over again.

You cannot substitute any food, just consume only what is listed and no more, plus drink about two liters of water a day.

During this diet if you consume a beer, a glass of wine, a piece of gum or any extra food, you should stop this diet because it becomes useless and have no effect in that case, you can try again after three months.