Optimize Gains: Body Beast Schedule for Maximum Results

Are you looking to build muscle and get in the best shape of your life? Look no further than the body beast schedule. This comprehensive exercise program is designed to help you pack on muscle and transform your body in just 90 days.

But with so many different schedules and options, it can be overwhelming to figure out which Body Beast schedule is right for you. In this article, we’ll break down the different schedules and help you choose the one that will maximize your gains and help you achieve your fitness goals.

What is Body Beast?

Before we dive into the different schedules, let’s first understand what Body Beast is all about. Created by renowned trainer Sagi Kalev, Body Beast is a 90-day muscle building program that combines intense weightlifting with a nutrition plan to help you build lean muscle mass and get ripped.

The program is divided into three phases: Build, Bulk, and Beast. Each phase is designed to challenge your muscles in different ways, leading to maximum muscle growth and definition.

Now, let’s take a look at the different Body Beast schedules and how they can help you achieve your fitness goals.

Body Beast Huge Schedule

Body Beast workout

The Body Beast Huge Schedule is the most intense and challenging schedule of the program. It is designed for those who are serious about building muscle and are willing to put in the work to achieve their goals.

This schedule consists of 6 days of weightlifting per week, with each workout targeting a specific muscle group. The workouts are longer and more intense than the other schedules, but the results are worth it.

The Huge Schedule is perfect for those who are looking to bulk up and gain serious muscle mass. It is also a great option for those who have already completed the other Body Beast schedules and are looking for a new challenge.

Body Beast Lean Beast Schedule

If you’re looking to build lean muscle and get ripped, the Body Beast Lean Beast Schedule is the one for you. This schedule is designed to help you shed fat while building muscle, resulting in a lean and defined physique.

The Lean Beast Schedule consists of 5 days of weightlifting per week, with one day dedicated to cardio. The workouts are shorter and less intense than the Huge Schedule, making it a great option for those who are new to weightlifting or are looking for a more balanced approach.

This schedule is also a great option for those who are looking to maintain their current muscle mass while shedding excess fat.

Body Beast Huge Beast Schedule

The Body Beast Huge Beast Schedule is a hybrid of the Huge and Lean Beast schedules. It is designed for those who want to build muscle and get ripped, but may not have the time or energy to commit to the full Huge Schedule.

This schedule consists of 5 days of weightlifting per week, with one day dedicated to cardio. The workouts are longer and more intense than the Lean Beast Schedule, but not as intense as the Huge Schedule.

The Huge Beast Schedule is a great option for those who are looking to build muscle and get ripped, but may not have the time or energy to commit to the full Huge Schedule.

Body Beast Bulk Schedule

Body Beast nutrition

by Brooke Lark (https://unsplash.com/@brookelark)

The Body Beast Bulk Schedule is designed for those who are looking to bulk up and gain serious muscle mass. This schedule is perfect for those who are new to weightlifting or are looking to build a solid foundation of muscle before moving on to more intense schedules.

The Bulk Schedule consists of 4 days of weightlifting per week, with one day dedicated to cardio. The workouts are shorter and less intense than the other schedules, making it a great option for beginners or those who are looking for a more balanced approach.

How to Choose the Right Schedule for You

Now that you know the different Body Beast schedules, how do you choose the one that is right for you? Here are some factors to consider:

Fitness Level

If you are new to weightlifting or have not worked out in a while, it is important to start with a less intense schedule, such as the Bulk or Lean Beast Schedule. This will allow your body to adjust to the workouts and prevent injury.

If you are an experienced weightlifter and are looking for a challenge, the Huge or Huge Beast Schedule may be the right choice for you.

Time Commitment

Each Body Beast schedule requires a different time commitment. The Huge Schedule, for example, requires 6 days of weightlifting per week, while the Bulk Schedule only requires 4 days. Consider your schedule and choose a schedule that you can realistically commit to.

Fitness Goals

Your fitness goals should also play a role in choosing the right schedule for you. If you are looking to bulk up and gain muscle mass, the Huge or Huge Beast Schedule may be the best option. If you are looking to get lean and defined, the Lean Beast Schedule may be the right choice.

Tips for Maximizing Your Gains with Body Beast

No matter which Body Beast schedule you choose, there are some tips that can help you maximize your gains and achieve your fitness goals.

Follow the Nutrition Plan

Body Beast nutrition plan

by Alexander Mils (https://unsplash.com/@alexandermils)

The Body Beast program comes with a comprehensive nutrition plan that is designed to fuel your workouts and help you build muscle. It is important to follow this plan closely to see the best results.

Track Your Progress

Tracking your progress is essential for staying motivated and seeing how far you’ve come. Take measurements and photos at the beginning of the program and track your progress throughout. This will help you see the changes in your body and stay motivated to keep pushing.

Stay Consistent

Consistency is key when it comes to seeing results with any exercise program. Stick to your chosen Body Beast schedule and don’t skip workouts. This will help you see the best results and achieve your fitness goals.


The Body Beast program offers a variety of schedules to help you achieve your fitness goals. Whether you are looking to bulk up, get lean, or maintain your current muscle mass, there is a schedule that is right for you. Consider your fitness level, time commitment, and goals when choosing a schedule, and don’t forget to follow the nutrition plan and stay consistent to see the best results. With dedication and hard work, you can transform your body and achieve the gains you’ve always wanted with Body Beast.