If you spot these things hanging in your tree, it’s important to know what it means

In the world of tiny creatures, there is a deceptively innocent-sounding one called the Evergreen Bagworm, but don’t let its name fool you!

These little critters, which are actually moths in baby form, are not as harmless as they sound. They’re like undercover agents in the insect world, capable of wreaking havoc on both deciduous and evergreen trees, sometimes even killing them.

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These evergreen bagworms, scientifically known as Thyridopteryx ephemeraeformis, are very clever. They construct a unique protective home that looks like a small bag. They use a silk-like thread they make themselves and decorate it with bits of twigs and leaves. It’s like a growing work of art that keeps them hidden and safe.

But how do these bagworms grow? Their life story is fascinating. It starts with the female moth laying eggs in her cozy pouch that stays attached to a tree. The eggs sit there all winter, and when late spring or early summer rolls around, tiny larvae hatch. These little adventurers then set out to find their own perfect tree, where they begin to spin their own protective pouches.

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These bags start out small, but they grow as the larvae do. The larvae pop out from time to time to gather more materials for their home. In about two weeks, these little creatures turn into adult moths. The males, now with wings, take off in search of female mates.

But there’s a twist. As fascinating as these creatures sound, they’re not exactly tree-friendly. They munch on the leaves of the trees, robbing them of their ability to make food, making the trees weak and sickly, and sometimes it’s too much for the tree to handle.

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But don’t worry, there are ways to protect your trees from these mysterious bagworms. You can pick them off by hand, prune the affected branches, attract birds and wasps that like these worms as a snack, or use special insecticides.

To stop them before they start, keep an eye on your trees, especially in the spring and summer. Make sure your trees are healthy, remove any bagworms you find, and keep a good distance between your trees. Don’t forget to check nearby trees and plants, as these little bagworms can move around.

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Evergreen bagworms may be small and seem inconspicuous, but they can wreak havoc on your trees. It’s important to stay vigilant and take good care of your trees. Keep an eye out for these little critters and your trees will thank you!

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