Bed bugs: 10 natural remedies against possible bites

If you wake up in the morning with annoying bites, you could be a victim of bed bugs. Here you will find some natural remedies that can help you calm the itching. The most important thing you can do, however, is check the condition of your mattress, because that is exactly where they are hiding.

When you are bitten by a bed bug, you must first wash the area well with water and antiseptic soap, and then follow some natural remedies to reduce itching and prevent any infections:

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Cinnamon and honey. Cinnamon has anti-inflammatory properties, honey helps hydrate the skin . When you mix them together, you get a great remedy for bed bug bites, reducing the chance of an infection or wound. Mix two-three tablespoons of cinnamon powder and a few drops of honey to form a smooth paste. Apply it and let it dry before washing. Repeat the process every three to four hours.

Toothpaste. The menthol contained in toothpaste seems to be a good remedy for itching. Apply a generous amount to the bite to soothe the burning sensation and relieve itching.

Witch hazel. Witch hazel provides a mild anesthetic effect that helps calm itching caused by bites. It is also suitable for children. You need to dab the dye onto the bite with a cotton ball.

Aloe Vera. You can choose whether to buy a gel or apply the leaves (which must be filleted) directly to the bite. The active ingredients and amino acids present in aloe vera help relieve itching and burning sensations.

Lemon juice. Lemon has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. It is also a natural astringent. The juice can therefore help dry out rashes and calm itching by reducing redness and swelling.

Cold compresses. Ice is an excellent remedy for any bite, even that of a bed bug. It is known for its ability to numb nerve endings which can help relieve the itchy bite sensation by reducing swelling and inflammation. Apply it to the affected area for 10-15 minutes.

Oatmeal. is famous for its skin-soothing properties. In fact, it is commonly used for conditions such as psoriasis, eczema, and general skin rashes, as well as to treat a variety of insect bites. In addition to being soothing, oatmeal is also anti-inflammatory because it contains avenanthramides which reduce redness and swelling at the site. You can make a paste with a little water and apply it to the sting, or you could soak yourself in a tub for about 30 minutes and dissolve the flour in the water.

Cucumber. is best known for being rich in water and helping to drain lymphatic stagnation. However, it is also known to be soothing for many skin conditions. It is anti-inflammatory and contains high amounts of caffeic acid and vitamin C. In addition to these properties, cucumber is also cooling and can contribute to an immediate sense of relief. You should refrigerate it, slice it and apply the slices to the bites for at least 15 minutes.

Baking soda and water. Make a paste of baking soda and water and apply it directly to your skin. Let it dry before rubbing with a cotton ball.

Salt. is a natural antibacterial and helps treat rashes and inflammation caused by bed bug bites. Rub a little crystal salt on the affected area and you will enjoy quick pain relief. Repeat the operation three times a day.

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