5 Exercises To Tone Your Abs Right At Home Without Doing Sit-Ups Or Crunches

There is no doubt that sit-ups and crunches are beneficial, but apart from being quite difficult to do, many people have back and neck pain after doing them.

Hiit Workout will introduce you to a few alternatives that offer the same benefits for losing calories. Without doing sit-ups or crunches, these exercises will help you tone your abs at home. We encourage you to try them because they are perfect for beginners.


Hiit workout

First you need to get into a push-up position on the floor and bend your elbows and keep them on the floor and then you need to make sure that your body is completely straight from head to toe and kept parallel to the floor. In this position your body will be supported by your elbows and your shoulders will take the weight and you need to stay in this position as much as you can and you need to breathe normally throughout the whole process.

The Dead Bug

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This exercise is beneficial in relieving the cramps that occur due to exercising .In this exercise you have to lie down on your back and stretch your hands towards the ceiling and in front of you (keep your hands straight). Now lift both your knees to a 90 degree angle and exhale. Now raise one leg just above the floor and slowly return to the starting position.

Alternating arm and leg raises

Hiit workout

Begin this exercise by standing on all fours and keeping your balance. Now slowly move your left hand toward the wall and extend your right leg toward the wall and perform the required number of repetitions. Make sure you alternate hands and legs. Now bring the extended hand and leg back to the starting position and repeat the exercise with the other hand and leg.


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This is an exercise that strengthens your core and targets your lower abs. If you need support for your back, you can place your hands under your buttocks. You need to do 2 reps of 20 seconds.

Mountain Climber

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For this exercise you need to get into the plan position and bring your left knee towards your chest, you need to bring it back and then pull your right knee towards your chest, replicating the look of a climbing motion. Then repeat the motion for 30 to 60 seconds.

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