15 Popular Workouts That Even Fitness Trainer Do incorrectly

Fitness experts are sure that you can get in good shape without going to the gym. Exercises performed at home are suitable for this: plank, crunches, squats.

But only at first glance they look simple; in fact, many do them incorrectly. And this can not only affect efficiency, but also cause health problems.

15. Hip Bridge

Hiit workout

Wrong: If you arch your back when you do the hip bridge, you will load your lower back instead of your buttocks.

Correct: Bend your knees to form a right angle to the floor. Lift your pelvis and make sure your body is in a straight line from your shoulders to your knees – it’s important. At the top, squeeze your buttocks as hard as you can and contract your abdominal muscles.

14. Alternating Side Lunges

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Wrong: If you lean too far forward and bend your knees at an acute angle, your spine and knees will become overloaded.

Correct: Keep your back flat and don’t lift your pelvis. When squatting, make sure your knee is bent at about a 90-degree angle.

13. Plank

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Wrong: If your back is not straight while doing the plank, the exercise loses its effectiveness and becomes useless.

Correct: Keep your body in a straight line from the top of your head down to your heels. Keep your arms at a 90 degree angle and don’t bend your neck.

12. Back Squat

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Wrong: If your knees are above your toes, you will round your back and place the barbell on your neck, shifting the weight to your toes. You can seriously injure your neck and fall.

Correct: Make sure the weight of the barbell is in line with the center of your feet. Arch your back and don’t lift your heels off the floor. Keep thighs parallel to floor and don’t squat too low.

11. Grip bar correctly

Hiit workout

Wrong: Placing the barbell on your neck is extremely traumatic.

Correct: Pull your elbows back and squeeze your shoulder blades together so that the contraction of your muscles creates a “shelf”. Place the bar on this shelf as low as possible, provided you can hold it steady.

10. Squat with dumbbell

Hiit workout

Wrong: Your shoulders are rounded forward, so your back is also rounded. If you squat too low, you put extra strain on your back.

Correct: Pull your shoulders back and squeeze your shoulder blades together. Keep your back straight with a slight arch in the lower back. Your thighs should be parallel to the floor when you squat.

9. Deadlift

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Wrong: Your legs and arms are not vertical, putting you at risk of falling and injuring your joints.

Correct: Bend your knees, push your chest forward, arch your lower back, and pull your pelvis backward. Keep your legs and arms perpendicular to the ground.

8. Platform Step

Hiit workout

Wrong: The farther we stand from the platform, the greater the load on our knees instead of our leg muscles.

Correct: Straighten your back and squeeze your shoulder blades together. Arch your back slightly and stand closer to the bench or platform. Your knee should be in line with your foot.

7. Bench Press

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Wrong: Your knees are bent at an obtuse angle. Your back is straight and the bar is shifted forward. This makes the load uneven and the exercise ineffective.

Correct: The barbell should be approximately in line with your shoulders. Arch your lower back. Bend knees and move feet slightly back toward hips.

6. Barbell Lunges

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Wrong: Your knee is twisted sideways, which is ineffective and traumatic.

Correct: Your knee should be in line with your foot and bent at a 90-degree angle as you step forward.

5. Bulgarian Split Squats

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Wrong: Your shoulders are rounded forward, so your back is also rounded. Your squat is not deep enough.

Correct: Pull your shoulders back and straighten. Squat down until your thighs are parallel to the floor.

4. One-Arm Dumbbell Row

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Wrong: Your head is up, so your back is arched.

Correct: It is important that your body is in a straight line from the top of your head to your buttocks.

3. Dumbbell Overhead Triceps Extension

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Wrong: Grasping the barbell in the middle of the handle will work your joints instead of your muscles.

Correct: Grasp the bar with both hands, palms facing up. Keep your shoulders still and keep your elbows as close to your head as possible. Raise the dumbbell above your head and slowly lower it.

2. Calf Raise

Hiit workout

Wrong: Your feet are halfway or almost all the way on the platform. They are not in line with your shoulders.

Correct: Stand with 1/3 of your feet on the platform, in line with your shoulders. Raise heels as high as possible. Hold for a few seconds, then lower your heels until they’re under the platform.

1. Hyperextension

Hiit workout

Wrong: Your body is not straight and your lower back is very arched.

Correct: Avoid rounding or arching your lower back. Raise your torso to hip height, and don’t round your back when you bend down.

Keep reading: This one move will strengthen your glutes and legs

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